Rahul Mahajan got married again to Dimpy Ganguly in the Reality TV show “Rahul Dulhaniya Le Jaayenge” in March this year. Dimpy left Rahul’s house on Thursday vowing never to return after what has been rumored to be a violent night. She ha bruises on her body and her left cheek was swollen and she also had a lump on her head. The fight ha started over a text message that Dimpy had received. Rahul was angry and asked about the sender for which Dimpy supposedly had ask him to sleep. He got violent and started thrashing Dimpy. Dimpy fled from the house at 4 in the morning with a friend’s help.
Rahul denies hitting his wife.
Whereas Dimpy said, “the problems started after I insisted on appearing for my second year exam. Rahul was not happy with my trips to Kolkata.”
She also said“When he got angry, he would also get physical. I had to call my mother-in-law once when a fight got out of hand. Rahul was angry that I had called his mother in the issue,” .
She also alleges that Rahul had once pointed a gun at her in one of their fights. “He is a nice guy, but when he goes off the lid, there is no telling what he would do.”
This is not the first time Rahul is accused of domestic violence. Media reports indicate that his separation from his first wife (commercial pilot Shweta Singh) was because he used to get physical with her too.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
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